Thursday, September 25, 2008

Ahmadinejad on Larry King

Below are the three parts of Ahmadinejad's recent interview with Larry King. Watch it and comment on whatever struck you. 

Wednesday, September 24, 2008


This is a quick post that will probably elicit lengthy answers. I have two questions that I would like some of you to answer.

1. Without the benefit of hindsight, if you were an Iranian in 1979, do you believe you would have participated in the Revolution against the Shah? Why or why not?

2. Now with the benefit of hindsight, does your answer change? Why or why not?

I am interested to see what you guys think.


Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Cold War and Operation Ajax

If you're interested about the beginnings of the Cold War in Iran, and want to hear a different view on operation ajax, read this article by Professor R.J. Rummel (same guy who created the term "democide") and comment on it.



To learn more about the CIA overthrow of Mossadegh, I would suggest checking out these links below.

NY Times: Secrets of History
National Security Archive: The Secret CIA history of the Iran Coup

For a posting comment, I would like you to answer any or all of these questions:

-Do you feel like you understand why Iran has acted the way it has in the last 28 years, specifically in relations to the U.S., by watching the video today?

-Do you think the U.S. was justified in taking Mossadegh out?

-Do you think Iranians share the blame for what happened to Mossadegh?

-Do you think the CIA should repeat what it did to Mossadegh to other countries, even Iran today?

Remember, the deadline for the first post is coming up.


Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Fall 08 Syllabus


Course Description
This course serves as an introduction to modern Iranian politics in which no prior knowledge of Iran or the greater Middle East is required.  It follows the events leading up to the Islamic Revolution and describes the outcomes that have spiraled into the headlines of today. Key topics of discussion include the coup d'etat against Prime Minister Mossadegh (1953), the rule of Reza Shah Pahlavi, the Iranian Revolution (1979), the Iran-Iraq War (1980-1988), the Reform Movement (1997), and the recent rise of the radical movement led by Ahmadinejad (2005).  Important current events to be covered will be Iran’s nuclear program, Iran’s role in Iraq, and the Shia-Sunni divide in the Middle East.  Documentaries, films, guest lectures, participation in the class blog, and class discussions are integral parts of this decal. Class will meet once a week for two hours.

Course Coordinator        Amir Abadi -

Course Requirements

A reader comprised of short summaries and academic articles will offer the students a background to all the topics mentioned above. Specific sources for the reader are listed in the reading list. Additional readings may be handed out in class.

Final Paper
The final paper is a 3–5 page essay.  Topics will be handed out two weeks prior to the final class meeting.

Blog Participation
You must submit a one paragraph response on the blog every four weeks during the course of the semester.  Three blog postings are required to pass the course. You can only respond to the topics offered in each 4 week period (responses to topics that are from a prior 4 week period are encouraged but will not count for a grade).  Your responses must be critical and engaging. 


The blog can be found at


Final Paper (50%), Blog Participation (25%), Attendance (25%) 

Week 1:  Introduction; overview of the course

Week 2: Iran 1850-1953; The Great Game, the Constitutional Revolution, and a period of ineffectiveness

۞ Reading due: Roraback, Amanda. Iran in a Nutshell. pp. 1, 7-15

Week 3:  The coup against Dr. Mossadegh; documentary screening, The CIA and the Coup of 1953 in Iran
۞ Reading due: Roraback, Amanda. Iran in a Nutshell. pp. 19-21 

Roosevelt, Kermit. Countercoup. Forward, Ch.13.

Blum, William. Killing Hope. pp. 64-72.

Week 4:  The Shah and the Iranian Revolution; documentary screening, Iran: A Revolution Betrayed
۞ Reading due: Roraback, Amanda. Iran in a Nutshell. pp. 20-29

Pahlavi, Mohammad Reza. Answer to History. pp. 101-129, 175-179

Abrahamian, Ervand. Khomeinism. Ch. 1.

Week 5:  The Iran-Iraq War: the longest conventional war of the 20th century
۞ Reading due: Roraback, Amanda. Iran in a Nutshell. pp. 30-32 & 62-63

Hiro, Dilip. “The Iran-Iraq War,” from Iran and the Arab World, pp. 43-67

Week 6:  Contemporary Iranian government structure: a quasi-democratic theocracy

۞ Reading due: Roraback, Amanda. Iran in a Nutshell. pp. 46-49        

Abrahamian, Ervand. Khomeinism. Epilogue. pp. 132-143

Week 7:  Rise and fall of the reformists

۞ Reading due: Roraback, Amanda. Iran in a Nutshell. pp. 36-37 

Khatami, Mohammad. Islam, Liberty, and Development. pp. 3-16. & 135-153  Amuzegar, Jahangir. "Khatami's Legacy: Dashed Hopes." Middle East Journal, Winter 2006

Parsi, Trita. Treacherous Alliance. Ch. 18


Week 8:  Ahmadinejad and the rise of ultra-conservatives
۞ Reading due: Roraback, Amanda. Iran in a Nutshell. pp. 37-38

Ahmadinejad's letter to Americans

 Week 9:  Iran’s nuclear standoff with the West
۞ Reading due: Roraback, Amanda. Iran in a Nutshell. pp. 50-56 

Timmerman, Kenneth. Countdown to Crisis. Ch.26

Ritter, Scott. Target Iran. Conclusion.

Week 10:  Iran’s foreign policy in the Middle East; documentary screening, Frontline: Showdown With Iran
۞ Reading due: Roraback, Amanda. Iran in a Nutshell. pp. 66-81

Nasr, Vali. The Shia Revival. Ch. 8

Klein, Joe. “Nation: Iran” Time Magazine, December 17, 2007. pp. 32-36.

Mearsheimer, John J. and Stephen M. Walt. The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy. Ch. 10
Week 11:  Guest Lecture, topic of the lecture to be announced two weeks prior.
۞ Final paper topics handed out

Week 12: Student chosen topic

Week 13:  Final class meeting

۞ Final papers due